Judging criteria and prizes
Individual projects can be submitted into multiple categories where applicable. Learn more about our categories and what criteria are used to judge all entrants.

Judging criteria and process
Use of colour
The rationale behind the choice and use of colour is a key determining factor in the judging process. All colours and shades will be considered from the Dulux range, including black and white. Dulux colour must comprise a minimum of 51 per cent of the colour used in the project. Dulux paints or coatings must have been used extensively within the project.
Key determining factors:
• Up to 10 digital images can be submitted to illustrate how colour enhanced the project.
• The project description and rationale behind the choice and use of colour in the design.
The finalists will be revealed on March 21, 2024. The winners will be announced on May 29.
Read about our 2024 judges here.

Categories and prizes

The interior paint finishes of any building used as a private residence, including single and multi-residential projects.

The interior paint finishes of any commercial or industrial building such as offices, studios, factories, retail outlets, pop-up retail and shopping centres.

The interior paint finishes of commercial or industrial buildings such as community centres, museums, theatres, places of worship, cafes, restaurants, fitness centres, hotels, event spaces, education and healthcare facilities.

Exterior paint finishes of any commercial, industrial, educational facility, multi-residential development and/or apartment building.

The interior and/or exterior paint finishes of any temporary, installation, exhibition, and brand promotion experience.

Paint specification by architecture or interior design students who are currently undertaking or have recently completed (within the past 12 months) a course by a recognised university or college.

Celebrating the best-in-show, the New Zealand Grand Prix title will be selected from the New Zealand finalists, excluding the Student category, and receive NZ$5,000. The winner also receives premier digital promotion, a feature in HOME magazine and the option to participate in the Dulux-affiliated global design competition, the Creative Colour Awards Nippon.